Our small and comfortable guesthouse located in the Westlands area of Nairobi, was started to support the missions of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood in Kenya including their children’s orphanage in Juja. It is within the reach of many tourist attractions, shopping malls and surrounded by many restaurants catering to all palates. We welcome business people, tourists and all other travellers, for both short and extended stay, providing a homely, quiet and serene environment.

The Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood, CPS (the abbreviation CPS stands for Congregatio Pretiosi Sanguinis in Latin), are an international congregation of women, founded by a Trappist Abbot Francis Pfanner in Marianhill, South Africa, in September 1885.

Our legacy received from Abbot Francis Pfanner is imbued with the Benedictine spirit. This contemplative-missionary heritage of our Founder inspires us to commit ourselves to fulfil our religious and missionary calling of ora et labora (pray and work). The challenges of today speak to the heart of our double vocation and call us beyond the familiar to new ways of being and witnessing in the world.